Monday 26 December 2016


from John Smallman

You are all beloved children of God, so come together as family in this holy Christmas Season.

The Christmas Season is a time for reflecting, forgiving, and opening to Love. In every moment you have your eternal existence within the divine field of Love which envelops you and all of creation in one vast milieu of unconditional loving acceptance. As you have been told so often you are Love, you have just lost contact with the truth of this as you play the games of distraction and disruption that the illusion thrives on.
Stand back from the “outside world,” go within to your holy place or altar where the divine flame burns unceasingly, calling you back to Source, and open your hearts to feel the intensity of Love that awaits your willing acceptance of It. It is your true nature, and when you open to It, It embraces you, supports you, and empowers you. As you allow It into your hearts your fears and anxieties will fall away, and the energy, the Life force with which It endows you will strengthen your will and intent to align completely with the divine Will, which, in essence, is unconditional Love and acceptance of all conscious entities without exception.
Therefore each and everyone of you is eternally Loved by your divine Source, and consequently it makes no sense whatever to reject, spurn, or judge another. At this Christmas Season make a point of acknowledging and accepting your true nature, and, in so doing, release all unforgiveness, judgment, and negative assessments of yourselves and of others. You are all beloved children of God, so come together as family in this holy Christmas Season, and come ablaze with the Light of Love that will flow through you and out into the world, bringing healing to all, if you will just allow your hearts to open in response to the Love that is offered to you in every moment of your existence.
You incarnated to help humanity, all your sisters and brothers in Christ, to awaken from the dream that is the illusion in which you all seem to be ensnared or enslaved. It truly is unreal, although while you are experiencing life embodied as humans it does appear to be very real. Its purpose was to allow you to experience separation, but now that purpose no longer serves you and you will awaken. Your task is simply to love and to be Love, to show your true selves uncloaked by masks or disguises of any kind, neither more nor less than that.
However, because of your ongoing dream-state experiences, many of you have suffered deeply and painfully during your present lifetimes and are holding on to bitterness, resentment, and even hatred of those who have hurt you. Those feelings, emotions, and judgments are endemic across the planet, and you, before you incarnated, were well aware that this was the case. You came to release first your own issues and unresolved fears of that nature – all issues and problems arise out of fear – and having done so and aligned with Love, to assist the rest of humanity do likewise. But most of you have found yourselves far more deeply ensconced in the illusion than you believed was possible before incarnating, and so to awaken and attend to the challenging task you chose for yourselves while still unembodied is proving far more difficult than you envisaged it would be.
Nevertheless, you have an abundance of help available to you from those in the spiritual realms who are watching over and supporting you in every moment. They respond instantly when you call on them, but because of the denseness of your environment it is very difficult for you to hear them or even be aware of them. As we in the spiritual realms have so often told you, it is absolutely essential for your own well-being that you go within at least once daily to connect with Source. If you do not you tend to get drawn more deeply into the illusion where, instead of engaging with your sisters and brothers as the way-showers and Light bearers that you are, you join with them in their lack of awareness of their true nature and become as seemingly separated from Source as those you have come to help, maybe even succumbing to some of the physical or psychological illnesses that are now so prevalent throughout humanity.
Remind yourselves daily that what you are experiencing as a human is, for the most part, unreal. Deep within you do know this, but that depth can only be accessed if you go within daily to your holy shrine where Love blazes forth brightly whenever you open your hearts and allow It to flow through you and out to all of humanity. What you came to offer is sorely needed, and only you can provide it. With your loving assistance, which is the energy frequency that you extend from your hearts out into the world, those with whom you interact will feel uplifted and inspired, and will start to move towards their own natural state of wakeful joy due to just being alive.
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As we watch over you and observe the ongoing progress of your awakening process we are filled with joy because it is continuing to accelerate due to the loving intentions that so many of you are holding, and more are joining with you daily as they too are nudged toward Love and away from fear.
Fear is unreal, but you can only become aware of this by letting it go and embracing Love. Love and fear are incompatible, and only Love is Real. Open therefore to the Love that is within you and enjoy the feeling as It flows through you and utterly suffuses you as it extends out way beyond you as part of the divine awakening process for all of humanity.
You are here to love all with whom you interact in any way at all, and to bring them forward towards their own individual awakening, which is divinely assured as you assist them to perceive and acknowledge this. The awakening has, of course, already occurred, you just are not yet aware that this is so. When your awareness knows this supreme state once more your joy will be supreme.
With so very much love, Saul.
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Sunday 18 August 2013

Chapter Seven ~ The New Scriptures as Written by Sananda/Jesus ~ via Kathryn E. May

Posted: 17 Aug 2013 07:46 PM PDT

I am Sananda.
There are many things which people believe because they have been told to believe it by someone in a position of greater power than they. We should probably say greater perceived power, since power over another person is always an illusion. No one can actually force you to believe something unless you choose to, no matter how they might torture you or prod you. Of course, it is easier to convince children to believe what they are told; this is why religions of all kinds try to enlist the children from birth, even threatening that an infant not baptized or initiated into the church cannot go to heaven.
Why would anyone want to join a church that makes them feel frightened much the time? Why would anyone want to give over their children to a group of people who use fear to control them? Simply threatening dire consequences later in life would not be enough to convert most people who live in the moment without much concern for the distant future, especially the unknown future after death. There had to be much more powerful mind control strategies at work. In order to become a pawn to others’ ideas, one must be afraid for one’s present survival. The most primitive of fears goes back to the days of cave dwelling in difficult conditions; it is the fear of starvation.
Let me explain how this fear is used to control the entire planet. In areas where resources are either limited or can be taken over and controlled by bribing the leaders of an area or country, the Dark Hats have bought up and brought under their control vast areas of the world and its precious resources. This includes food, water and energy products.
Those who could not be completely controlled this way, like the smaller European countries, were convinced to join the European Union, where they would be even more relentlessly at the mercy of creditors (the same Dark Hats) who would eventually gain a stranglehold by manipulating markets, encouraging debt, and then squeezing them economically. Debt holders become Masters once the enslaved country can no longer pay its debts because of the market manipulations which make financial stability impossible.
In a world where prosperity is supposedly based on economic growth, the population has been lulled into believing that a job which brings in money is the key to success and security. This is the Big Lie. The loss of that job leaves a person vulnerable to financial hardship. In the most extreme cases, it might mean hunger or homelesness, in the tiniest minority of the population of extremely disabled or mentally ill people, although even then, social programs in most advanced countries provide a minimally effective social net so that no one actually needs go hungry. Homelessness - having to sleep in the cold - is avoided by the provision of shelters and soup kitchens. These are not especially desirable accommodations, but they do mean that starvation for most (though not all) of the people on the globe is a thing of the past. In places where hunger is wide-spread it can be traced directly to the callousness and greed of those in power.
You see, Mother Earth is generous in her provision for her children. There is not a lack of food to feed all; there is a lack of will to care for all. This is the Darkness which I now ask you to banish from the planet. The era when “looking out for Number One” was not seen as a horrifically immoral attitude is over. You are your brother’s keeper, as he is yours. No one actually gains material success without the help of the whole society. There is no such thing as a self-made man. All citizens benefit from the stability of their governments, their infrastructure, and the service of their fellow citizens who train themselves to be teachers, ambulance drivers, firefighters, farmers and poets.
Yes, I did say poets. What Philistine invented the idea that every artist should be able to create a profitable product, and if they cannot do so, they are not worth paying attention to? How would the greatest minds in history have survived had it not been for mentors, kings and patrons who fed and clothed them so they could do their real work, which was to create inspiring works to uplift their fellow humans?
As your populations have grown, and the funds you have contributed to provide for your own infrastructure, schools and security services have grown exponentially, it has been a simple matter for greed and selfishness to infiltrate every political and moral discussion. Rather than provide emotional security for all, the contribution of the many has been used to redistribute the wealth, the resources and the promise of security to the very few at the top. This is not democracy, nor is it The True Way.
As everyone knows, The Golden Rule has been the cornerstone of spiritual teachings across the globe and throughout history. There are many variations on this basic teaching, but for our purposes here, we will begin with the familiar English version, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” This captures the spirit of the thought. I would like to expand this to provide a motto for Ascension - the raising of your electromagnetic vibration to the high 5th dimension: “Do unto others only what you would have done to you.”
Now, for those who are mired in a habit of self-loathing and self-criticism, this motto will not provide the proper impetus for change. We must expand the meaning to include Love of the Self, something many ignore when building their moral/philosophical foundation. We must begin with: “Do unto yourself as you would have others do unto you.” You see, this lack of the most basic love for yourself is the source of all unpleasant relationships, ongoing personal conflicts, depression and pain. You have chosen people who will treat you the way you treat yourself, who will see you with the same jaundiced eye you cast on yourself, and you are at war with them as you are with yourself.
It is time to put an end to the self-loathing and despair which has been taught by all the major religions in some form. Self-flagellation and self-deprivation in the presence of plenty is not an indication of superiority or goodness; neither is great wealth. Religious practices based on expanding one’s self-importance are fueled by feelings of inadequacy. Feelings of self-doubt and inadequacy are nothing more or less than a lack of Faith, and a misunderstanding of the I AM Presence, which is God. God loves all equally; there are no exceptions, not even for you. By insisting you are less deserving or more deserving than others, you are putting yourself above God, who does not agree with you.
God is Love; God is Light. Love is Light. Love is Peace, Joy, Harmony, Laughter, Compassion, Forgiveness and Kindness. God is all these things, therefore God is Pure Love. There is no vengeance, no punishment nor any threat of disapproval or any other dark judgment in God’s Love. This is the mythology of the past, and it is a misunderstanding of what God feels toward his/her children.
Some of you have understood well that the reason I came to Earth was to teach Love - God’s Love, my Love, and the Love of one another. I AM Love because I am God, just as you are. You have only to discover the power of Love you carry in your soul, and you will shine with the uplifting energy of Light. This Light comes from the Central Sun, our Prime Creator, who is the Creator of All Creators, and therefore is the power of One.
You are made in the image (not the physical image but the soul image) of your Creator, therefore you are One, the power of Creation. These are not just words designed to comfort you or ease your low self-esteem. They are Truth. All humans have the power of Creation within them, no matter what their race, religion, age, gender, IQ or social position. All can manifest the Dream of their Hearts if they only have Faith in their own power. Only Faith gives you this power to create, a Faith based and the knowledge that you are One with God just as you are One with all conscious beings in the entire cosmos.
When you join with your own power - the power of all Creation - you have at your behest all the Legions of Heaven and all the resources of the Cosmos, for all conscious beings in the 5th dimension and above live by Universal Law and understand the meaning of being One with you, even when you do not understand it yourself. They are here to serve you, of their own volition, and they revel in the joy of helping you to raise yourselves up to the Light.
There are no Dark beings anywhere in the cosmos above the 6th level of the 5th dimension. No Darkness can survive in the Light-filled electromagnetic environment of the higher dimensions. The Beings in the Heavens are Lightworkers, as the dedicated spiritual heavy-lifters among you call themselves. This does not mean there are no Dark Ones in the cosmos; of course there are. They have been creating the current imbalanced conditions by lurking in the 4th dimensional levels throughout your long history of Darkness on Planet Earth. They were attracted by the chaos and damage created by the traumatic fall of Atlantis, and they have been spreading their misery with alacrity for thousands of years.
It was our job, Dear Ones, to defeat the Dark and to reestablish the Paradise on Earth which has been our shared Vision since the beginning of this Earth Project. We chose to descend into the dangerous territory where Darkness thrived and to bring back the Light with the efforts of our own dedicated Hearts. We have done this. We are already well on our way to accomplishing the Ascension of all humankind. It remains only to awaken those who are still asleep, lulled by the 3-dimensional teachings which promised satiation rather than fulfillment of their spiritual path.
Now you see the full-circle picture, do you not? Humankind is exhausted not by waiting for God to appear and fix the miserable situation on the planet. They are exhausted by fear, by anxiety, by hatred of themselves and one another, and worst of all, by the deprivation of being separated from their own soul connection to God. We must show by our own example that Love is all you need, as the famous song goes.
I bring you this message at this time because the Shift is upon you. We understand your reluctance to change your ways, to leave behind the familiar, even if those familiar circumstances often bring you despair and frustration. I assure you that by making the transition to a higher vibrational level, you have everything to gain and nothing to lose. Those you have loved will be cared for and nurtured on their path to Ascension. They will be provided with loving and compassionate teaching and support until they are reassured and satisfied that lifting themselves out of their present shades of gray will bring joy and exhilaration such as they have never imagined.
You will not lose the people you care for; just the opposite. You will each find a new identity in the Light and Love you will experience when you open your hearts and minds to fulfill the destiny of the joint agreements which brought you here for this lifetime. This is what you have lived and died for in many past lifetimes, Dear Ones. You are indeed at the threshold of the Promised Land. Will you step across into the Light? Will you spread your wings and take flight? You will find the fuel for your engine right there in your Heart. It is in turn fueled by the Love of your Higher Self, God.
I AM an individuated reflection of the One, but that does not mean I am separate. No one can ever be alone or separate. This is a delusion taught by the Dark Ones to instill fear. You do not need your other half, or a partner to sustain you, or the approval of your peers to find ecstatic happiness. You only need to accept the conduit which connects you more completely than an infant’s umbilical cord connects to the source of Life which is the mother.
Allow the presence of God, which is Love and Light, to flow through you, to heal and nourish every wound, every painful experience, every expression of illness, from this life and every other. Allow yourself to expand, to fill your body and the aura around you with Love and Light. It will shine outward from you into the atmosphere around you, lifting the spirits of everyone who comes within your presence. Do not turn away from this brilliant destiny. Accept the mantle of Goodness and Light which is your birthright.
Come with me, dear friends. It is our time now.
I am Sananda/Jesus, who lived for Love. I have returned to show you the way Home.

Thursday 25 July 2013

Nikola Tesla’s Scalar Waves - what are Scalar Waves?

So what are Scalar Waves?

Over a hundred years ago Nikola Tesla called the powerful non-Hertzian energy (without frequencies) Scalar. A new era in Science was born. In the 1920’s Einstein referenced to these scalar energies and yet nearly a hundred years later there application is still undervalued and underused. 

Scalar waves also referred to as Tesla Waves or Longitudinal Waves are capable of penetrating any solid object including Faraday Cages. A transmitter can be placed in a box of thick metal and a receiver outside of the box will still receive the scalar wave. Scalar waves are capable of passing through the earth from one side to another with no loss of field strength as Tesla showed in one of his experiments. 

Traveling faster than the speed of light (superluminal), Scalar Waves are not electromagnetic but composed of pure zero point energy. They also have the potential to be used as a power source.

So Scalar Waves can be used for communication, energy, and other applications. Scalar Waves (longitudinal waves) do what Transverse waves cannot. They are fast, penetrating, connected, and can broadcast magnified power. Their potential is almost limitless. It is even said that it is the technology that Extra Terrestrials use!

Konstantin Meyl compares superluminal scalar waves to the neutrino, which it is also thought travels faster than light. Neutrinos bombard the Earth in all directions, but the majority of them arrive from the central star of our solar system. Because almost half of the neutrinos are absorbed as they pass through the Earth, it is thought they may interact with the core and inner layers of our planet.

Some researchers believe that solar phenomenon can produce variations in neutron emissions which may trigger earth changes on our planet, causing crust disruptions from the mantle heat-up of increased solar activity. Research and study of scalar waves will possibly increase our chance of survival during chaotic periods in the future. By understanding them we could learn how to constructively utilize them to stabilize our planet during periods of solar fluctuations, sun spots, flares, etc.

The possibilities with, and uses of Scalar waves are endless and exciting. 

To see how we produce Scalar Waves and our products that have scalar waves embedded in them: Nu-Me Snappy Solfeggio Crystal Pendants 

Tuesday 23 July 2013

Birthday Day

Today is my birthday. I am 59 years young today.  I went to the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens to spend the day with beautiful beings.  I love gardens.  There were so many children visiting, they were in the children's garden learning how to compost, and plant.

Children at the fountain.

Bananas in the Tropical Garden

These remind me of the banana trees in my yard in Belize.  I just had to visit the Tropical Garden.

Our Creator has created so many beautiful flowers so that we may find ourselves reflected in them. That is the beauty that we really are inside.

Roses in the Rose Garden

I write my blog to share my life experiences.  Plants are close to my heart because I feel the pulse of nature and Creator's love emanating from these beautiful beings.  I believe that God created plants for us to not only have as food and medicine but also for our soul's enjoyment and enlightenment.  

I have been in Brooklyn now for four months, I miss my garden in Belize. So spending the day in this enlightening place was grand for me.  I am thankful to the employees of the garden who work tirelessly to keep it so very magnificently beautiful.

Just look at the trunk of this tree.  You can feel the energy of Divine Light and Pure Love emanating from it. I put my hand on the trunk and closed my eyes and saw swirling light energy in colours of magenta and purple. I felt strength and courage.  All my life I have believe that trees possess great knowledge because they have witnessed many things as the years come and go.  I know if they could talk, they would be able to tell us many things of times past.  They know more about our history than we do.

This is a Bonsai tree.. to me this is absolutely amazing how someone can "train" a tree to stay so small even though it is fully mature.
It is truly amazing how some trees give of themselves.  I think that this is unconditional love of humans.  Trees are fantastic beings, they also give us oxygen so we can live.  How marvellous is that!

Let us learn how to give, not expecting anything in return.  

Until next time.  I love you all.  Thank you for reading my blog.  

Angela Carmen Sanchez  

Thursday 11 July 2013

Time To Change ...

Greetings Everyone,

I found this video tonight and  the gentleman in the video below is stating concepts I find myself resonating with.  I have been sensing, having a deep knowing more profound than any other time in my life that we change our reality by changing our perception of it.  I have been also sensing that there are different Earth experience that we can perceive and live within.  Why am I saying this?  I clearly see that I can be in the same physical space with people yet have a different experience of the surroundings.   Anyway listen to this video and see for yourself, because this is how we change our own "reality".    Basher Time to Change Your Governments

Symbol of Transformation 
Painting by Valerie R.

Thursday 4 July 2013

Top 10 Inflammatory Foods to Avoid Like the Plague

(The Conscious Life) According to statistics from the World Health Organization, about 12.9 million people worldwide died from some form of cardiovascular disease in 2004. Each year, the World Cancer Research Fund estimates that some eight million people died from cancer. Heart disease and cancer, the deadly manifestation of chronic inflammation, are expected to remain as the leading causes of death in developed countries for many years to come. 
But study after study shows that the risk of heart disease and cancer are modifiable by our lifestyle choices which include the food we choose to eat each day. With every bite we take, we’re either balancing the pro- and anti-inflammatory compounds in the body, or tipping the scale to one end.
To shift the balance to your favor, other than incorporating more natural anti-inflammatory foods in your diet, it is also equally important to avoid or cut down on foods which are known to promote inflammation. Here, we look at the top ten foods which set the stage for inflammatory diseases:

1. Sugars

  • Refined SugarPro-inflammatory Agent: Excessive sugar intake causes tooth decay and has been linked to increased risks of obesity, inflammation and chronic diseases such as metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes. Recently, it has also finally been proven that sugar, as well as dairy, are the causes of acne.Find them in: Sugar-sweetened beverages like soft drinks, fruit drinks and punches are some of the major sources of dietary sugars that many have overlooked. Do you know that drinking a can of Coke is as good as sucking ten sugar cubes? Other obvious sugar-loaded foods to avoid or at least limit include pastries, desserts, candies and snacks. And when you are looking out for sugar in the ingredients list, note that sugar has many names: corn syrup, dextrose, fructose, golden syrup, maltose, sorghum syrup and sucrose are some of the creative names used.Inflammation-dousing Substitute: Got a sweet tooth? Opt for natural sweeteners like steviahoney, or blackstrap molasses to flavor beverages and foods modestly. Natural sugars found in fresh or dried fruits and fruit preserves with no added sugar are also great choices. Not only do they give you the sweetness you crave, fruits also supply you with vitamins, antioxidants and fibers that you won’t find in sugary foods and drinks. Dates, figs, persimmons, kiwis, tangerines and various types of berries are some of the natural healthy snacks you can sink your teeth into.

2. Common Cooking Oils

  • Common Cooking OilsPro-inflammatory Agent: Common vegetable cooking oils used in many homes and restaurants have very high omega-6 fatty acids and dismally low omega-3 fats. A diet consisting of a highly imbalanced omega-6 to omega-3 ratiopromotes inflammation and breeds inflammatory diseases like heart disease and cancer.Find them in: Polyunsaturated vegetable oils such as grape seed, cottonseed, safflower, corn and sunflower oils. These industrial vegetable oils are also commonly used to prepare most processed foods and takeaways.Inflammation-dousing Substitute: Replace your omega-6-saturated cooking oils with macadamia oil, extra virgin olive oil, or other edible oils with a more balanced omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids ratio.Macadamia oil, for instance, has an almost one-to-one ratio of omega-6:3 fats, and it is also rich in oleic acid, a heart-healthy, monounsaturated fatty acid.

3. Trans Fats

  • Trans FatsPro-inflammatory Agent: Trans fatty acids are notorious for their double whammy effect: they increase the levels of ‘bad’ cholesterol, while lowering levels of the ‘good’ cholesterol. But that is not all they can do. They have also been found to promote inflammation, obesity and resistance to insulin, laying the ground for degenerative illnesses to take place.Find them in: Deep fried foods, fast foods, commercially baked goods and those prepared with partially hydrogenated oil, margarine and/or vegetable shortening. Note that items that list 0g trans fats on the label may still contain some amount of these toxic fats. This is because in the US, the government allows items containing less than 0.5g of trans fats to be declared as trans-fat free. Commercially prepared peanut butter is one good example. Your best bet is to read the ingredients list and make sure partially hydrogenated oil or vegetable shortening is not used.Inflammation-dousing Substitute: Look for alternative products that contain no trans fats, and that do not have partially hydrogenated oil or vegetable shortening in the ingredients list. When in doubt, assume that all commercially prepared foods contain trans fats unless stated otherwise.

4. Dairy Products

  • Dairy ProductsPro-inflammatory Agent: As much as 60% of the world’s population cannot digest milk. In fact, researchers think that being able to digest milk beyond infancy is abnormal, rather than the other way round. Milk is also a common allergen that can trigger inflammatory responses, such as stomach distress, constipation, diarrhea, skin rashes, acne, hives and breathing difficulties in susceptible people.Find them in: Milk and dairy products are as pervasive as foods containing partially hydrogenated oil or omega-3-deficient vegetable oil. Apart from obvious milk products like butter and cheese, foods with hidden dairy content include breads, cookies, crackers, cakes, cream sauces and boxed cereals. Scanning the ingredients list is still the safest way to suss out milk.Inflammation-dousing Substitute: Kefir and unsweetened yogurt are acceptable in moderation for those who are not allergic to milk. They are easier on the stomach as the lactose and proteins in the milk have been broken down by beneficial bacteria and/or yeasts.

5. Feedlot-Raised Meat

  • Feedlot-Raised MeatPro-inflammatory Agent: Commercially produced meats are feed with grains like soy beans and corn, a diet that is high in inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids but low in anti-inflammatory omega-3 fats. Due to the small and tight living environment, these animals also gain excess fat and end up with high saturated fats. Worse, to make them grow faster and prevent them from getting sick, they are also injected with hormones and fed with antibiotics. The result is one piece of meat which you and I shouldn’t be eating.Find them in: Unless otherwise stated, most, if not all, beef, pork and poultry you can find in the supermarkets and restaurants come from feedlot farms.Inflammation-dousing Substitute: Organic, free-range animals that are fed a natural diet such as grasses instead of grains and hormones contain more omega-3 fats. Having more room to roam freely, they are also leaner and contain less saturated fats.

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Sunday 23 June 2013

Supermoon June 2013

Supermoon June 2013: Everything You Need To Know About Perigee Moon This Weekend (PHOTOS)

The Huffington Post  |  By  Posted:   |  Updated: 06/21/2013 5:58 pm EDT
Send us your supermoon photos!
You can tweet your photos with hashtag #HPsupermoon. Or, you can submit them directly to our "Supermoon 2013" slideshow at the bottom of this post.
We'll be collecting user photos from all over, and yours may be featured!
One of the biggest celestial events of the year is almost upon us!
Set to peak on Sunday, June 23, the 2013 supermoon is noteworthy not only for the remarkable sight it will present to skywatchers but also because it will be the largestsupermoon this year.
Also known as a perigee moon, the event occurs when a full moon lines up with the Earth and the sun at a specific point in its orbit, called the lunar perigee. That's the point at which the moon is nearest to Earth as it traces its elliptical path around our planet.
Since it's closer to us, the moon appears up to 14 percent bigger and 30 percent brighter than usual. Coined by astrologer Richard Nolle, the term "supermoon"essentially means a bigger and brighter full moon.
But what makes Sunday's supermoon so special?
While skywatchers will be able to spot another supermoon in July, the moon will not be this close again until August 2014.
The moon will turn full at 7:32 a.m. EDT Sunday. It will reach its closest point to the Earth 22 minutes earlier and will be visible after the sun sets that evening.
So be sure to step outside Sunday night to catch a glimpse of the June 2013 supermoon. (To see the perigee moon in all its oversized glory, try to spot it at moonrise or moonset, when it's on horizon.)
Can't make it outside? Follow HuffPost Science's coverage and see photos from around the world.
Infographic by Jan Diehm for The Huffington Post.