Greetings Everyone....we are in the year of our Creator...2013, the beginning of a New Age. The last time we were in a year that ended with 13, it was 100 years ago...1913. Wow, what have we accomplished as a collective on this planet in 100 years? Have we created a world of peace and abundance for all or did we create a world of war and poverty?
The Mayan Calendar ended purposely so that we as a collective could contemplate our choices and reset. We can choose as a collective to co-create with our Divine Creator through our loving intentions a world of peace and prosperity. There is an inherent law of creation, it is the law of choice...we choose to be positively creating or negatively creating. We create through our very thoughts, feelings, words and actions.
So as we begin our New Year/New Age, let us, the ones who resonate with these words co-create with our Divine Creator a world intended by our Creator ...a world of peace, harmony, abundance for all. This is not wishful thinking, this is Divine Science. We are in an age of amplified energy to assist us to manifest any thoughts, feelings and words into actions quickly. So with our hearts and minds engaged in a deep intention...create a beautiful world so that our children and grandchildren may inherit a most beautiful Earth.
Everyday in every way let us keep our intention on being loving, kind and generous to one another. Let us be honest, keep integrity, accountability and responsibility as the cornerstone of our actions. Our focus is to give the best of ourselves in every situation with each one we meet. Let us walk as the Light of God that we are.
Moon rising ... with Jupiter just above it...December 26, 2012. In my garden! Shining a light to Light your heart and your path!
Happy New Year...Happy New You!
I am adding two videos for you to enjoy....