Tuesday, 25 December 2012

O Holy Night...Merry Christmas 2012

O Holy Night...A very merry, happy Christmas Night to everyone.  

December 21, 2012 mark the end of an era.... the Age of Pisces and the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. I have always loved Christmas time...it is our opportunity to celebrate the birth of the Christ Consciousness or the Consciousness of unconditional Love within our selves.  

So many thoughts have been paraded before us about the Maya end time of their Long Count Calendar.  The Maya...my ancestors were recording the precession of the Equinoxes, they were recording the time it took our Solar System to traverse through the twelve constellations 25, 920 years rounded up to 26,000 years.  So we have just come to the end of our travels through the constellation of Pisces and entered the constellation of Aquarius.  What does all  this mean?  I know that we are connected to everything in the Universe/Multiverse...and this particular time has a very potent message for us...Jesus/Yesuha was born during the Age of Pisces...teaching unconditional Love...he said that "greater things we will do"  so what greater things can we do? In this new Age of Aquarius...when we actually come out of the "Maya" (illusion) into our true reality....Love...that which is our real self.  

Well, I believe that we can begin to live a life of unconditional Love....this seems to be difficult for some...however we have done the "hate" thing and what has it got our world into?  So much trouble...people have no peace.  Living from a mindset of deep understanding and love is a choice just as the choice we made  not to be loving and peaceful.  So let us garner the strength and courage to live compassion, understanding, love and peaceful daily.  Let us Shift our mindset and consciousness into the Light of the Heart...and relax our mind control.  Let us become beings of Love, Light, courage, peace, joy, harmony and abundance. Let us find a place inside of our hearts where we understand our family, friends, neighbours and all who we meet.

The Moon outside my door - December 25, 2012

Let us choose to come out from the illusion of separation and choose unity...a consciousness of unity, the unified field of Being to re-create our world of peace, love, and abundance.  Let us create a world where we know that little children and adults will feel safe.  Let us do these "greater things".

Merry Christmas and a Very Happy, Prosperous New New Year.  May Love light your path throughout the year and forever.

Sunday, 9 December 2012

A Most Wondrous Month

Greetings everyone...December has become a most wondrous month for me...In December 2011...my mom made her transition.... December 11, 2011; and now in December of 2012 we are having a huge influx of energy with the 12.12.12  and 12.21.12 Stargate of Energy.  These energies are for the direct re-charge of our human system...to upgrade to beings of Divine Love.  December is also the month that we celebrate the birth of Jesus (no need to quibble about other names for this most beloved teacher, brother and way shower), so this month indeed has enough energy to give us a boost. However we are to also celebrate the birth of the Christ within ourselves.

As I have said in previous posts...I have been tutored by beloved Beings...known as the Beings of the Christ Light.  These beloved Beings taught me to walk with God ....the true Self.  They taught me:  to be my own authority about the voice of God within, to seek no one's approval, to follow my inner guidance (intuition) and to seek God always.  They taught the group of us a different view of the meaning of Christmas, which is to honour and celebrate the Divine God Self within each of us. The link below is to the book Beings of the Christ Light Share
The Meaning of Christmas 

Click the link below to download a free copy of the newly released revised version of the above book.


We are pleased to announce the launch of our E-Books series
  • Available Now!
                           "A New Light On Christmas"

    This free downloadable e-book provides additional chapters to the book "The Meaning of Christmas".
    "This is a book that will assist your walk with God and the grand manifestation of Its presence in your life. This is the true calling of this season and all seasons."
                                                                            Beings of the Christ Light

The Beings of the Christ Light always taught us to follow our heart's instructions...to Be your own authority...so if you feel guided, please click on the link and download your free version of the book and have a truly joyous Christmas.

My meeting the beloved Beings of the Christ Light is the most profound experience in my life.  Their teachings has changed me forever ....I have aspired to live these teachings....to my increased happiness and peace.  I love the beloved Beings of the Christ Light.  And I am sending Love to all.

May you experience the birth of a new, loving you, forever. May you all have a wondrous Christmas and all year long forever.

Friday, 7 December 2012

December 12 and December 21-22, 2012

As channeled through Patricia Cota-Robles 

December 12, 2012, 12:12:12, and December 21-22, 2012 are dates we have been hearing about for decades. Since Harmonic Convergence, which took place August 15-17, 1987 people have intuitively sensed the importance of this moment in time, and predicted everything under the Sun. Speculation has run the gamut including everything from the end of the world to the instant manifestation of Heaven on Earth. But what should we realistically expect?

In Truth, for the past 25 years, since the quantum leap in energy, vibration, and consciousness the Earth and Humanity experienced during Harmonic Convergence, we have been through myriad influxes of Light. These influxes have included rare Celestial alignments, Solar and Lunar Eclipses, powerful Solar Flares, and literally hundreds of Global Activities of Light that were orchestrated through the unified efforts of embodied Lightworkers and the Company of Heaven. Each and every one of these events bathed the Earth in Divine Light and accelerated the frequency of vibration in Humanity’s physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies at an atomic cellular level. Many people were consciously aware of these influxes of Light, but the vast majority of people evolving on this planet went through these experiences without any conscious awareness.

The influx of Light we will experience on December 12, and December 21-22 will be infinitely more powerful than anything we have previously experienced, but our I AM Presence has been preparing our bodies to withstand this Light for 25 years. Children are being born with the ingrained capacity to assimilate this Light as well, so all is in readiness. All we have to do in order to be the instruments of God we are destined to be is stay focused in our hearts. Then we will be the Open Door for the Light of God that will Birth this planet and all her Life into the patterns of perfection for the New Earth.

What people will experience on a tangible level will be unique for each person. Some people will be very aware of the shift of energy, vibration, and consciousness that has occurred within them. Other people will initially be oblivious to any changes, but as time passes and they assimilate the Light they will realize that something has dramatically shifted within them. Day by day, they will begin to “see with new eyes and hear with new ears.”

Since the Divinely inspired prophecies of old indicated that in these end times there would be two Earths, there are many people who are still predicting that with the Birth of the New Earth the old Earth will pass away resulting in millions of people not making the shift to the New Earth. The Company of Heaven want all of us to know that phase of the Divine Plan has been averted. Please assimilate the following information through the Flame of Illumined Truth which is resonating in the heart of your I AM Presence.

The Beings of Light have clearly stated that the only reason a potential negative outcome is revealed through Divine Prophecy is to show Humanity what will occur if we continue with our current behavior. The Divine Intent of such a prophecy is to inspire Humanity to change our behavior in order to avert the potential negative outcome. If we do not change our behavior and avert the predicted outcome, then the prophecy failed to accomplish its goal and is in fact a failed prophecy.

During the past 25 years miracles have taken place that have exceeded the greatest expectations of Heaven. The Awakening that has occurred within the mass consciousness of Humanity has changed the course of history. There are millions of Lightworkers around the world who have invoked the Light of God on behalf of our sisters and brothers in the Family of Humanity. Through these selfless efforts, people who have not been able to raise their heads above the mud puddle of their painful life experiences enough to see the Light for themselves have been granted a Cosmic Dispensation of unprecedented Divine Grace. This dispensation has proven to be God Victorious.

As a result of the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth, during the past 25 years the I AM Presence of every recalcitrant person on Earth, who was in danger of not making the shift to the New Earth, has made the conscious decision to do what is necessary to clear their karmic liabilities, so they can move forward in the Light. This is true whether or not the person’s fear-based, fragmented human ego is consciously aware of that fact or not. The choice to move forward in the Light by even the most rebellious people is exactly why we are witnessing such appalling negativity being pushed to the surface all over the world. This negativity is surfacing at an accelerated pace in order to be healed and transmuted into Light.

As a result of this miracle, the two Earth’s have become ONE. This means that every man, woman, and child is moving forward with the New Earth. NO ONE IS GOING TO BE LEFT BEHIND!

If recalcitrant souls do not clear their karmic liabilities before they leave the physical plane, they will be taken to the Inner Schools of Learning associated with the New Earth to complete their transmuting process. Once they have completed learning the lessons of Oneness and Reverence for All Life, they will join the rest of Humanity on the New Earth. The Company of Heaven said this is the greatest act of Divine Grace every rendered to the fallen Sons and Daughters of God by the Cosmic I AM, All That Is, our Father-Mother God.

So now, I would like to share with you a very powerful Activity of Light that was given to us by the Company of Heaven to prepare us even further to receive the unparalleled influx of Light we will experience on December 12, 12:12:12 and December 21-22. This is a process of Divine Alchemy that will assist our I AM Presence to transform the carbon-based cellular structures of our physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies into Crystalline-based Solar Light Cells.

This is a comprehensive process so take your time with it. Please follow this visualization through the full power of your attention. Know that your I AM Presence will allow this activity of Light to occur in, through, and around your Earthly Bodies in perfect alignment with your Divine Plan and your highest good.

I AM Cocreating My 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies

      I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child evolving on this planet. I AM One with my Father-Mother God, I AM One with the Solar Logos from Suns beyond Suns beyond Suns, I AM One with the entire Company of Heaven, and I AM One with all of the Beings of Light associated with the Elemental Kingdom and the Angelic Kingdom.

I AM One with every electron of precious Life energy evolving on this planet, and I AM One with every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of energy comprising the physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies of Humanity and Mother Earth. I AM also One with all of the spaces in between the atomic and subatomic particles and waves of energy on Earth.

Through the Divine Intervention of this collective Body of Light Beings, I invoke the most intensified frequencies of 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light from the very Core of Creation that Humanity and the Earth are capable of receiving at this time. I ask that as this Crystalline Solar Light accelerates the Divine Alchemy that is transforming my carbon-based bodies into Crystalline-based Solar Light Bodies of infinite perfection, it also accelerates this process within the bodies of every person on Earth. I accept that this will occur in alignment with each person’s Divine Plan and the highest good for all concerned.

 On this sacred and holy day I consecrate my physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies to be the Open Door for the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light that is transforming the Earth and ALL her Life into the limitless physical perfection of the New Earth.

 Now, under the direction of our Father-Mother God, the 5th-Dimensional Directors of the Elements take their strategic positions in preparation for this powerful Activity of Light.

 * The Directors of the Air Element and the Beings of the Air take their position at the cardinal point to the North.

 * The Directors of the Water Element and the Beings of the Water take their position at the cardinal point to the East.

 * The Directors of the Earth Element and the Beings of the Earth take their position at the cardinal point to the South.

 * The Directors of the Fire Element and the Beings of the Fire take their position at the cardinal point to the West.

 * The Directors of the Ether Element and the Beings of the Ethers take their position within the Sun of Even Pressure in the Center of the Earth.

 Now as One Breath, One Heartbeat, One Voice, and One Energy, Vibration, and Consciousness of pure Divine Love the Directors of the Elements sound a Cosmic Tone signaling to Humanity’s Body Elementals and the Divine Intelligence within every cell that the time has come to reverse the adverse effects of our fall from Grace, and to reclaim the original Divine Plan of outpicturing the perfection that is pulsating within the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies of our I AM Presence.

 Every person’s Body Elemental responds with deep gratitude and an exceptional willingness to at long last heal the maladies that they were forced to create in our physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies after our fall from Grace aeons ago. With elation and abounding joy, our Body Elementals accept the opportunity to transform our bodies into the limitless perfection of 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies.

 Now that the new Solar Record Keeper Crystals have been placed in Earth’s Crystal GridSystem, and Humanity’s pineal glands have been adjusted to safely receive more 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light, the Directors of the Elements invoke the Mighty Elohim, and ask them to empower Humanity’s Body Elementals with the ability to assimilate and integrate 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light into our Earthly Bodies, at an atomic cellular level.

 The Mighty Elohim respond, and every person’s Body Elemental is initiated into frequencies of the 5th Dimension and invested with NEW skills and abilities that will work in perfect harmony with the Divine Alchemy taking place. This means our Body Elementals have graduated into 5th-Dimensional Elemental Beings, which will accelerate our transformation into our Crystalline Solar Light Bodies.

 My I AM Presence and the I AM Presence of every person on Earth now joins in harmony with our newly invested and empowered 5th-Dimensional Body Elementals. What takes place within my Earthly Bodies during the following Activity of Light will also take place within the Earthly Bodies of all Humanity.

 I AM my I AM Presence and in unison with my Body Elemental I AM cocreating my 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies of infinite physical perfection.

 I AM the Immaculate Concept, the Divine Blueprint, of my 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Etheric, Emotional, Physical, and Mental Solar Light Bodies now made manifest and eternally sustained by God’s Amazing Grace.

 Sealed in the embrace of my I AM Presence I quietly contemplate the profound Truth that our Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love and our newly Birthed Renaissance of Divine Love are setting the tone for each of my 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies. These vehicles are now the Open Door for the Crystalline Solar Light that is cocreating the circumstances for Birth of the NEW Earth and Humanity’s Ascension in the Light.   

And I begin...

 I perceive my glorious Crystalline Etheric Light Body. This is the vehicle that is encoded with my full Divine Potential, and my Divine Plan. My etheric body is associated with the Air Element and it is the vehicle that sets the tone or vibration for all of the energy that enters the world through my physical body.

 Under the Law of Karma, which was created after the fall, Humanity had little chance of experiencing vibrant health, eternal youth, or radiant beauty in our physical bodies. Now, however, my I AM Presence and my newly invested 5th-Dimensional Body Elemental take command. The Law of Karma is superseded by the Immaculate Concept of my Divine Plan, and the perfection of my Crystalline Etheric Light Body.

 Within my etheric body my I AM Presence declares to all obsolete Karmic patterns, “Stand aside for the I AM Presence and the perfection of my Crystalline Etheric Light Body.” The Karmic patterns are instantaneously transmuted into Light by the new Solar Frequencies of the Violet Flame.

 From this moment forth, all energy passing through my physical body from my I AM Presence will only pass through the perfection of my Crystalline Etheric Light Body.

 My Mother God, the Holy Spirit, now Baptizes my Crystalline Etheric Light Body with Sacred Fire. This blessing seals the 5th-Dimensional Solar frequencies of the Air Element within this vehicle and a scintillating forcefield of infinite perfection is formed.   (pause)

 My Crystalline Emotional Light Body now comes into view. This vehicle is associated with the Water Element. It is the body through which the Love Nature of my Father-Mother God is expressed in the world of form. This is my most powerful vehicle. Eighty percent of my Lifeforce is released through my emotional body.

 My I AM Presence and my 5th-Dimensional Body Elemental step forth to take command of this vehicle. As they do, the full Divine Momentum of my Father-Mother God’s Love begins to flow through my Heart Flame. The Love of God expands through my Crystalline Emotional Light Body and forms a Cosmic Forcefield of Divine Love that encompasses the entire Planet Earth.

 This forcefield of my Father-Mother God’s Love expands the Love flowing through every person’s Heart Flame, and opens each person’s 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Heart Chakra to new breadths. This enhances the reality that every man, woman, and child on Earth will indeed succeed in accomplishing his or her goal of Ascending into the 5th-Dimensional Realms of Light with the New Earth and the rest of our Solar System.

 Love reigns supreme through all Creation, and this Activity of Light ensures that our New Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love and our Renaissance of Divine Love are becoming a tangible reality.

 Within this all-encompassing Forcefield of Divine Love, the last vestige of my human ego surrenders to my I AM Presence. Within the embrace of my I AM Presence my ego lets go of its resistance to my Divine Plan, and its desire to block my Divine Potential as a Beloved Son or Daughter of God.

 My ego dissolves into the loving embrace of my I AM Presence where it is transformed by the Love of my Father-Mother God. My ego is scientifically, psychologically, physiologically, and spiritually transformed. My I AM Presence now inbreathes and absorbs my human ego into the fullness of my true God Reality and all aspects of my own Divinity.

 My Mother God now Baptizes my most powerful Crystalline Emotional Light Body with Sacred Fire. My feeling nature becomes One with the Love Nature of God. My emotional world is now filled with God’s Infinite Love and all of the various aspects of God’s wondrous Love. This blessing seals the 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the Water Element within this vehicle and a scintillating forcefield of infinite perfection is formed.

 Through my Crystalline Emotional Light Body I continually express the Harmony of my true Being.    (pause)

 Now my Crystalline Physical Light Body comes to the fore. My physical body is associated with the Earth Element. The limitless physical perfection of my I AM Presence is reflected in my magnificent Crystalline Light Body. My I AM Presence and my 5th-Dimensional Body Elemental take command of this vehicle. Every cell, gland, organ, and function of my physical body has been longing for this moment.

 My Crystalline Physical Light Body is composed of Crystalline Cells that are absorbing Light from the Infinite Universe and assimilating that Light into the atoms and molecules that form each cell of my body. Every Crystalline Cell in my physical body is also absorbing the Cosmic River of Crystalline Light that is cascading through my I AM Presence and every other aspect of my own Divinity.

 I AM my I AM Presence inbreathing, absorbing, expanding, and projecting the fullness of this Crystalline Light into my flesh vehicle. Not only is every cell of my body becoming a Crystalline Cell, each one is now swirling with multicolored dazzling Solar Light. This amazing influx of Light is generating unexplored levels of limitless physical perfection, vibrant health, radiant beauty, abundance, joy, and bliss. My Crystalline Physical Light Body responds to this Divine Input which is coming from various Realms of Light.

 My Crystalline Physical Light Body will never again accept Karma dictating the reality of its physical functioning or its physical appearance. The old purpose of the flesh vehicle which was to be the repository for Karmic lessons that were not yet learned has been transmuted forever. I accept this profound Truth, and I agree to abide in my Crystalline Light Bodies while deeply enjoying the Divine Alchemy into limitless physical perfection that is continually expanding within them.

 My Mother God now Baptizes my Crystalline Physical Light Body with Sacred Fire. The infinite physical perfection of my I AM Presence is permanently secured in the cellular structures of my physical body. This blessing seals the 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the Earth Element within this vehicle and a scintillating forcefield of infinite perfection is formed.    (pause)

 Now my Crystalline Mental Light Body reveals itself to me. This vehicle is associated with the Fire Element. My Crystalline Mental Light Body is One with the Divine Mind of God. My I AM Presence and my 5th-Dimensional Body Elemental take command of this vehicle, causing it to blaze like a great Sun of Light forming a halo around my head. As the halo of Light expands through my mental body, it encompasses all of my Crystalline Light Bodies and I AM a radiant Sun of Infinite Light.

The Sacred Fire Breath of my Father-Mother God activates my Divine Mind, and I clearly receive Divine Thoughts, Ideas, Concepts, Imagination, and all aspects of Divine Mind beyond Imagination. All of these reflections of Divine Intelligence and Divine Mind are anchoring and reflecting into my outer consciousness.

 Slowly but surely I become aware of this process. It begins with a soft effulgent Light filling my mind. It leads me past the imagination of hopes and dreams of a future Divinity into the ever present moment of NOW where the patterns of perfection for the New Earth exist for me, the Earth, and all Life evolving on this planet.

 All of the layers of human thought, conscious, subconscious, and unconscious mind, that were derived from my human ego now slowly dissolve into this Light, thus setting up an entirely new Divine Process for assimilating information.

 I now perceive everything as energy, vibration, and consciousness whether it is something in my daily life or coming to me from dimensions beyond the physical plane. I watch for this in my meditations and see it clearly in my awakened life.

 I AM prepared for my Crystalline Mental Light Body and I accept it now.

 My Mother God now Baptizes my Crystalline Mental Light Body with Sacred Fire. The Divine Mind of God is reflected through my conscious mind and perpetually reflects through my mental body. This blessing seals the 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the Fire Element within this vehicle and a scintillating forcefield of infinite perfection is formed.  (pause)

 I AM my I AM Presence and I AM now abiding on the New Earth in my 5th-Dimensional Etheric, Emotional, Physical, and Mental Crystalline Solar Light Bodies. Each of my four Elemental Vehicles is now functioning in its full Crystalline Solar Light Body of infinite perfection. As I empower this activity of Light day by day, the Divine Alchemy is expanding and expanding within each vehicle until ALL Life evolving on this sweet Earth has God Victoriously Ascended into the 5th-Dimensional Solar Realms of Light with the New Earth and the rest of our Solar System. 

 And so it is. Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM.

Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization
Phone: 520-885-7909
 New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
PO Box 41883
Tucson, Arizona 85717
This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included. Thank you.
 ©2012 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

Friday, 30 November 2012

My Daily Bread

Every morning after my morning meditation and prayer, I make a smoothie guided by the beloved God Self within.  This morning smoothie is made with:

Beautiful Fresh Good for You Food...Pictures are worth thousands of words!
Smoothie made with:
1 Chilled Banana --I added two more frozen bananas
1/4 Papaya
1 Sweet Green Bell Pepper
2 Stalks Celery
1/2 Cucumber (the blender was full otherwise I would put the whole cucumber)
1/2 Inch Piece of Ginger
1 teaspoon Flaxseed Meal
Add water, blend and enjoy.

A Prayer from Elizabeth Clare Prophet's Violet Flame to Heal Body, Mind & Soul


Violet Flame IS...

Breath of God inside each cell
I AM the violet flame
Pulsing out the cosmic time
I AM the violet flame
Energizing mind and heart
I AM the violet flame
Sustaining God's creation
In My Garden....Violet Flame
I AM the violet flame

With all love
With all love
With all love

Shimmering in a crystal cave
I AM the violet flame
Searching out all hidden pain
I AM the violet flame
Consuming cause and core of fear
I AM the violet flame
Revealing now in the inner name
I AM the violet flame

With all peace
With all peace
With all peace

Flashing like a lightening bolt
I AM the violet flame
Stretching through the galaxies
I AM the violet flame
Connecting soul and Spirit now
I AM the violet flame
Raising you to cosmic heights
I AM the violet flame

With all power
With all power
With all power


Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Vegan Vegetarian Chef - Tuesdays

Ladyville, Belize, Central America

Most people in Belize eat meat, the usual dish is rice and beans (made with white rice), stew chicken or some other meat and a piece of fried plantain.  This is an everyday thing.  Not very nutritious...most people do not eat a salad with their meals and definitely not something raw.  Of course some people are beginning to see that what you eat and how it is prepared affects health.   

On Tuesdays, I am a vegan vegetarian chef for customers who want to begin the journey to a more nutritious way of eating.   I prepare the food with herbs and spices including turmeric, ginger, curry powder, oregano, etc.  I also use low sodium.  I use Himalayan sea salt and it is not cooked into the food, it is added at the end when the food is still hot.  What I find is that cooking the salt decreases the mineral content and intensify the saltiness.   Sea Salt is a seasoning containing minerals that are micro nutrient meaning you need a little at a time.  It should not be cooked into food.  However this is my guided experience and you should do as you feel guided to do.  

I am Spirit guided...it is always a meditation...to create the menu for the day and then to do the preparation. I introduce my customers to vegetables they are not use to eating such as eggplant, watercress, zucchini, patty pan squash, etc.  I create exotic combinations that are most tasty.  

Tuesday, November 13, 2012  I prepared:
Pinto Beans
Vegetable Brown Rice
String Beans with Zucchini, Patty Pan Squash and Tomatoes
Green Salad 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012  - Smoothie of the Day

My Smoothie of the Day   

1/2 a beet
handful of watercress
handful of lettuce
4 frozen bananas or chilled (use 1 if you are diabetic)
2 inch piece of ginger
1 teaspoon of flax seed
 Add water...blend and enjoy!  All nutrient are intact.  

Again I use my I Am Presence Guidance...that is the God/Spirit within Guidance...use this guidance for everything you do!   Life will become miraculous! 

I this time of the Shift of Consciousness...it is the time to go within for your Real Guidance.  Our Divine Creator has made you unique...you have an Inner Guidance System some call it Intuition...it is there to become your only guidance so that you cannot be fooled by anyone.  All you must do is to develop Trust in God and yourself and you will make a difference in your life.  

No matter I or other say or write, you must feel a resonance with it.  You refer to your God/Spirit Presence we call it our I Am Presence..it is within.  Meditate...and become closer to your God Self.  

You will find in within yourself.

I think this is enough for today... Blessings of understanding and trust to you!  Thank you for being in the world during this momentousness time.  The Great Shift of the Ages!

Sunday, 11 November 2012

11:11 Transformation Shift and Beyond

Hold On Here We Go! by Patricia Cota-Robles

November 11, 2012


Fasten your seat belts. We have ALL been preparing for this Cosmic Moment for Lifetimes. Know that the end result of this amazing ride is going to be glorious. Remember, you already have within you everything you need to fulfill your part of this Divine Plan. Enter your heart and from within the sacred place of the Most High Living God, ask your I AM Presence to reveal to you the magnitude of the opportunities unfolding on Earth at this time that will allow YOU to add to the Light of the world.

During the next six weeks, we will experience several powerful influxes of Light that have the capability of moving the Earth and all Life abiding on this planet forward in the Light a quantum leap. In order for this to be accomplished God Victoriously, this Light must be drawn into physical manifestation through the Heart Flames of people abiding in the physical plane. That means you and me!

The success of these events will create the necessary catalyst that will result in the birthing of the New Earth in all her resplendent glory. This birth will take place in the Realms of CAUSE during Earth’s alignment with the galactic core of the Milky Way, which will happen during the days of the Solstice, December 21-22, 2012. Even though we will not experience all of the perfection of the New Earth in our daily lives on December 23, 2012, the Company of Heaven want us to understand that once something has occurred in the Realms of CAUSE nothing can prevent it from eventually manifesting in the world of EFFECTS. The only variable is how long that will take and that is up to you and me and every other person existing on Earth.

The patterns of perfection for the New Earth must be drawn into the physical plane, the world of Effects, through the thoughts, words, feelings, actions, and beliefs of the Sons and Daughters of God abiding on Earth. These patterns include the archetypes for both our New Planetary Cause of Divine Love and our newly birthed Renaissance of Divine Love. The paradigm for the New Earth reflects the profound Truth that “We are One with ALL Life” and that there is no separation. It also contains the viable solutions that will allow Humanity to respond to every situation on Earth with Reverence for ALL Life.

I will briefly share with you the Divine Intent of the various influxes of Light, and the opportunity we will have to add to the Light of the world during these events, as revealed to us by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. In addition to this information your I AM Presence will reveal to you the part of the plan YOU have been prepared to fulfill during this unprecedented moment on Earth. In order for you to be the Open Door for this influx of Light, which you are destined to be, it is critical that you remain in a state of Listening Grace and respond according to your inner guidance

The first step of this 40-day process begins today with the influx of Light that occurs every year on November 11th, 11:11. This year we are experiencing an exponential expansion of the Light that was anchored last year, in the core of purity, in every electron of precious Life energy on Earth. That occurred during the 11:11:11 celebrations of November 11, 2011. That influx of Light activated Humanity’s pineal glands and began the initial impulse of Earth’s Ascension into her new 5th-Dimensional Solar Reality. That event greatly expanded our new Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love. The success of that facet of the Divine Plan paved the way for the Birth of a Renaissance of Divine Love which occurred during the 25th Anniversary of Harmonic Convergence in August 2012.

Eleven is the master number that reflects THE TRANSFORMATION OF THE PHYSICAL INTO THE DIVINE. Every man, woman, and child embodied on Earth has the sacred geometry of 11 and 11:11 and 11:11:11 encoded within the Divine Potential of our RNA and DNA structures. These codes are activated by our I AM Presence when we move through various phases of our Ascension process. During the next six weeks, our I AM Presence will activate these codes in new and profound ways. This will accelerate the Divine Alchemy of Humanity’s transformation from carbon-based planetary Beings into crystalline-based Solar Light Beings. This activation will be greatly intensified by the Solar and Lunar Eclipses that will take place this month.

On November 13, 2012, we will experience a very powerful New Moon Solar Eclipse. The Light flowing into the Earth through this celestial alignment will enhance Earth’s Ascension into her new Solar Reality. The Solar Record Keeper Crystals that were placed throughout Earth’s Crystal Grid System during the influx of Light on 11:11:11, and the new frequencies of the 5th-Dimensional Solar Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection that Saint Germain and his Legions of the Violet Flame secured on Earth in May 2012, will be amplified a thousandfold during this Solar Eclipse. This will allow the necessary purging of the Earth and the cleansing process that is being accomplished by the Elemental Kingdom to move forward in more gentle ways.

The devastation that took place in the United States of America during Hurricane Sandy was heartbreaking, but the number of people who survived that powerful purging process was an act of Divine Grace. The positive thing that seems to always happen when this kind of tragedy takes place in the world is that people everywhere revert to the inner knowing that We are One and that there is no separation. Even the least likely people open their hearts and with love, compassion, and genuine caring they reach out to help their sisters and brothers in the Family of Humanity. In these painful situations people around the world invoke the Light of God on behalf of those who are suffering, which gives the Company of Heaven permission to intervene in awesome ways. It is a great benefit, and not by chance, that we are entering this important phase of the Divine Plan with the hearts of people everywhere open to full breadth.

After the Solar Eclipse the Light will build in momentum until we experience the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on November 28, 2012. In the midst of that building momentum of Light, on November 22nd, we will celebrate Thanksgiving Day in the USA. When millions of people simultaneously turn their attention to the people, places, conditions, and things they are grateful for in their lives, it creates a collective cup of consciousness that allows the Divine Quality of Gratitude to expand, expand, and expand through all Life on this sweet Earth. That expansion of Gratitude will greatly intensify the positive effects of the Lunar Eclipse.

The Lunar Eclipse on November 28th, will expand the Open Heart energy of both Humanity and Mother Earth. This will allow the I AM Presence of every person on Earth to magnetize the patterns of perfection from our newly birthed Renaissance of Divine Love more effectively from the Realms of Cause. This will pave the way for the powerful activities of Light that will occur in December.

On December 12, 2012, 12:12:12, our Mother God—the Holy Spirit, and the Feminine Aspects of Deity throughout all Creation, will breathe into the Earth’s Crystal Grid System the highest frequencies of God’s Transfiguring Divine Love that Life on this planet is capable of withstanding. Due to the monumental influxes of Light that have occurred over the past several decades, and especially since the Dawn of the New Millennium, this will be the greatest influx of Divine Love Humanity has ever experienced.

For over 500 years, December 12th has been celebrated in Mexico and throughout Central and South America as the Feast Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe. For millions of people this aspect of Mother Mary has symbolized the return of the Divine Feminine, our Mother God. On 12-12-12, our Mother God, and Her exponents representing the Divine Feminine throughout all Creation, will cocreate a Forcefield of Divine Love that will envelop every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life on Earth, and all of the spaces in-between the particles and waves of Life. This forcefield will reinforce a multidimensional and multifaceted Womb of Divine Love and a Birth Canal of Divine Love that will assure Earth’s safe passage up the Spiral of Evolution, and the Birth of the New Earth in the Realms of Cause.

The Beings of Light are aware that in most instances this information is beyond the comprehension of our finite minds. But they assure us that the I AM Presence of each and every one of us clearly understands the bigger picture of what is happening on this planet. They said that adding to the Light of the world during this miracle of the Shift of the Ages and the Birth of the New Earth in all her splendor, is exactly why we volunteered to embody on Earth at this time.

It will help to remember the reality that the Company of Heaven has reiterated to us over and over again. They have told us that as Sons and Daughters of God we are multidimensional Beings existing in many levels of consciousness simultaneously. They said the physical plane that we think is so tangible and real is actually the least real of all of the dimensions we abide in, and that the physical plane of Earth is the very last dimension to reflect the changes that Humanity is cocreating in the Realms of Cause.

The events of 12-12-2012 will be the final steps of preparation leading up to the December Solstice and the Birth of the New Earth on 12-21-2012. These two dates reverberate with the master number 11, 1+2+1+2+2+0+1+2=11 and 1+2+2+1+2+0+1+2=11, the numerical frequency of the transformation of the physical into the Divine. Isn’t God fun?

On December 21-22, 2012, the Earth will align with the Galactic Core of the Milky Way. This will open a portal of Light that will extend from the very Heart of our omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent Father-Mother God—the Cosmic I AM—All That Is, into the Divine Momentum pulsating in the center of the Earth. This influx of Light will flow through God’s all-encompassing Divine Matrix to bless every particle of Life on this planet. This Divine Matrix is the Body of our Father-Mother God within which all Creation lives, moves, breathes, and has its Being. This influx of Light will begin the process that will Birth the New Earth in the Realms of Cause. This will be Earth’s New Beginning. From that moment forth, the patterns of our Planetary Cause of Divine Love and our Renaissance of Divine Love will easily flow into the mental and emotional strata of Earth. Humanity will be able to easily tap into these patterns of perfection and through our thoughts, words, feelings, actions and beliefs we will bring them into manifest form. These patterns contain the viable solutions to every humanly-created malady existing on Earth.

The Birth of the New Earth will accelerate the awakening of even the most recalcitrant souls, thus causing a shift that will take place in the energy, vibration, and consciousness of each and every one. This shift will reflect a new level of understanding that all Life is interconnected, interrelated, and interdependent. These precious souls will begin to realize that what affects one part of Life affects all Life. From this new awareness people will be inspired to work together to find win-win solutions that will benefit every person and enhance the existence of every facet of Life on Earth.

The Company of Heaven has given us an activity of Light that will greatly assist in preparing Humanity and the Earth for the influxes of Light that will take place during the next six weeks. Please participate in this opportunity according to your Heart’s Call. This is our moment. Our time is at hand.


Now in Oneness with the I AM Presence of every person on Earth and the entire Company of Heaven, I AM the Cup, The Holy Grail, through which the Love of God now lifts every particle of Life evolving on this precious planet.

I AM my I AM Presence, and I invoke my Father-Mother God to release the Love of God flowing through the Divine Matrix. Beloved Ones, project this Love into the Heart Flame of every person on Earth, and direct every person’s I AM Presence to expand this Love until it envelops the entire Planet Earth. (pause)

The Earth is now a blazing Sun of Divine Love pulsating in our Solar System. On the Holy Breath, our Father-Mother God and the Aspects of the Divine Feminine throughout Infinity expand the Love of God that is flowing through the Divine Matrix and breathe it into the Sun of Even Pressure in the center of the Earth. As the Love of God merges with the Divine Momentum pulsating in the Heart of Mother Earth, she breathes this unfathomable influx of Love into her Crystal Grid System to bless all Life.

Now our Father-Mother God invoke the Angels of Transfiguring Divine Love from the very Core of Creation and direct them to traverse the planet north, south, east, and west. In response to our God Parent’s Heart Call, these selfless messengers of God enter the aura of every man, woman, and child on Earth in preparation for an Activity of Light that will bathe the planet in 5th-Dimensional Crystalline frequencies of Transfiguring Divine Love. This frequency of Love is beyond anything Humanity has ever been able to receive.

Now as One Breath, One Heartbeat, One Voice, and One Energy, Vibration, and Consciousness of pure Divine Love the Angels of Transfiguring Divine Love breathe into the Heart Flame of the I AM Presence of every person on Earth, the most intensified frequencies of Love Humanity is capable of receiving.

This wondrous Love penetrates into my Crystalline Threefold Flame, which is now enveloping my physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies. On the Holy Breath, this influx of Love expands through my Heart Chakra and flows into the Heart Chakra of every person on Earth.

Through this amazing influx of Love, the I AM Presence of every person becomes a power point of Divine Love unified in consciousness with the I AM Presence of every other person, inbreathing, assimilating, expanding, and projecting this forcefield of Love throughout the Earth to bless Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom, the Angelic Kingdom, and All Creation.

The I AM Presence within every person is now the Open Door for this resplendent Love. We are collectively changing the core vibration of the primal Light substance, which has gone into creating the present negative conditions that are surfacing all over the world to be healed and transmuted into Light.

Through the Love of our Father-Mother God, through the Angels of Transfiguring Divine Love who have selflessly volunteered to remain within the aura of every person on Earth, and through the I AM Presence of every Human Being, we are the CAUSE of this Forcefield of Divine Love anchored on Earth.

On this sacred and holy day, we have set in place the basic spiritual forces of Divine Love over which Humanity will now Ascend out of our long exile in darkness into the 5th-Dimensional Realms of Light. Every person on Earth is now being raised into a profound awakening of supreme Love consciousness—we are, here and now, the Masters of Love we were always destined to be. We are Beings of Love, fully accepting responsibility for Loving this sweet Earth and all her Life FREE. We are One with this blessed planet, and the planet is One with us.

In deep humility and gratitude, every person’s I AM Presence now affirms:

I AM a forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love. The Love of God is now thriving on Earth through me, and through the I AM Presence of every person on the planet. The blazing Sun of Transfiguring Divine Love that is now enveloping the Earth is transforming into Light every frequency of energy, vibration, and consciousness that is less than God’s Divine Love.

The dedicated Lightworkers who are serving Humanity and the Earth through this Activity of Light are selflessly paving the way for the Birth of the New Earth, and the patterns of perfection for our Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love, and our newly birthed Renaissance of Divine Love.

Through this Activity of Light, the I AM Presence of every person on Earth permanently sets this sweet Earth on the Path of Divine Love. And so it is. Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM

Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization


FAX: 520-751-2981;
Phone: 520-885-7909

New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
PO Box 41883,
Tucson, Arizona 85717

This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is not altered and the proper credit line is included.
©2012 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

The information in this monthly sharing is being given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. The Divine Intent of these celestial sharings is to encourage, empower, uplift, and inspire Humanity by allowing us to see the bigger picture during these wondrous but often challenging times.